Asking for Help

Technically, I’m not short. I’m average, but I’m shorter than my husband, my two daughters, niece, nephew, both grandsons, and I’m sure, I will be shorter than my great-niece and -nephew in a very few years. And in our kitchen, pantry and closet, I’m definitely short. It means I often need help reaching things. A…

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Gratitude Matters

I may have written about my gratitude practice before, but as we head toward the end of another rocky calendar year and a complicated fall semester, it felt like it was a good idea to remember to find time to be grateful. Now, I fully admit my journaling practices (yes, that plural is correct) could…

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Encouraging Words

While preparing for a workshop I’m facilitating this week, I pulled an oldie but a goodie from my bookshelf. In 1987 James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner published The Leadership Challenge in which they named the five practices of exemplary leadership. In 1999, they published a book focusing on one of those five practices, Encouraging the Heart:…

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Culture, Strategy, and Breakfast

Unsure what to write about, I decided to play Newsletter Tarot this week. I have a deck of notecards and on each one is a lesson learned, an idea, or a story. Someday I might figure out a way to string them together into a book, but for now they sit in my desk drawer. Twice…

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