Balanced Partnerships

In the full Leadership Yoga workshop, I usually try to spend some time taking participants through a few poses with a partner. Each pose is one that can be done on one’s own, but working with a partner can add depth to each pose. Partner yoga also gives us a chance to explore the idea…

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Falling Forward

Apparently, all walking is merely falling forward and catching ourselves again and again. (Which means dancing is falling with rhythm, though that’s a different essay.) But truly that’s what we are doing when we are walking. If you Google ‘walking is falling’ there are numerous articles available of varying levels of complexity from all kinds…

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Lessons from a Tree

Vrksasana, Tree Pose, may be one of the yoga poses most familiar to people who don’t practice yoga. Stand on one leg, bring the foot of the other leg up on the inside thigh of the standing leg, hands raised overhead, palms pressed together – Tree Pose. Balance, strength, centering, are just a few of the…

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Pushing and Pulling

Yoga begins with an exploration and understanding of the importance of breath in all we do. And our breathing plays a critical role in maintaining balance. One of the reasons the binary equation of work and life doesn’t help us achieve balance is that it is too rigid a frame of analysis. During my yoga…

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As you might have guessed from past newsletters, I’m a word nerd. I’m fascinated with their history and the multiple uses in our language. While I don’t actually read the dictionary, I clearly turn to it as a starting point often. Today when I looked up balance, I found that it has two primary definitions as a…

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