Slow Down Faster

There’s a lot to be said for developing a practice of writing five days a week. Publishing said writing five days a week brings another set of challenges. If one is writing as a practice, quality doesn’t matter. That’s not true if one is putting the finished product out into the world. So today, instead of failing…

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Creating Space

You might be wondering what creating space has to do with this week’s topic of energy. The Quote of the Day is the stimulus for today’s topic. Eckhart Tolle suggests we find thirty seconds of space in our day and I think he’s exactly right. Creating even that tiny amount of space in our day, giving…

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Burned out? Breathe!

Last week I did a remote workshop on the topic of True Colors. (For those who haven’t done True Colors, here’s a quick shorthand: Orange – Energetic, Spontaneous, Charming “Seize the Day”; Gold – Punctual, Precise, Organized “Be Prepared”; Green – Analytical, Intuitive, Visionary “Knowledge is Key”; Blue – Empathetic, Compassionate, Cooperative “I Care”.) During…

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Bending Over Backwards

I looked up this phrase, ‘to bend over backward’ on several websites today. The general meaning is consistent – expending effort to make sure something happens or more particularly to expend effort to help someone else accomplish something. In every case, there was a sense of effort, sometimes, great effort. And I get that –…

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When you read that the topic for this week is energy, what comes to your mind? Sometimes when a question like that is asked, the questioner has something in mind, but not today. There are so many possible answers. For some people, it’s a mechanical question – it’s the capacity for doing work. Physicists might consider…

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