Creative Leaders


I was admiring my husband’s latest artistic endeavor (the images are pictures of his hand-carved Green Man and multi-media picture) and marveling yet again at the range of his skills and talents, when I complained, “I wish I was creative.” He looked at me in surprise and replied with a comment that I cherish and…

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Introducing My Teachers

“Everyone you meet is your teacher.” I can’t find a source for this idea, though it shows up in multiple places with a quick search of the Web. No matter the source, or lack thereof, I have found it to be true in my experience. If I am open to the lesson, every interaction can…

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The Gift of Learning

The Gift of Learning

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” President John F. Kennedy Jim Caswell was a life long Mustang. When I went to work with him at SMU (Southern Methodist University), he was Vice President for Student Affairs. I had known him for years through our statewide professional organization, TACUSPA*, but now I was sitting…

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