Reading Time

Friends who’ve known me for any length of time might have been surprised to see that I listed reading time as one of my yearly goals. For most of my life, the challenge was to stop me from reading, reading, and more reading. But life gets complex, doesn’t it? And no matter how important something,…

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Striving for Fairness

Last week, I wrote about the ideas behind paying taxes and student fees for programs and services that we might never use. I see it as paying my fair share even if in the case of taxes my fair share may be different that someone else’s. This of course raises the question, what share is…

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Our Fair Share

When we first moved to San Marcos, we expected to join the “Y” as we had in Austin, but it turned out that there is no “Y” in town. Instead, there is the San Marcos Activity Center, so Peter went to sign up to be able to continue his swimming practice. The charge, he was…

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Paying Attention

When I teach, I try to challenge students to pay attention to the world around them and bring examples related to our subject to class each week. The examples can be from the headlines or their own experiences. I’m trying to help them get in the habit of understanding their experiences in multiple dimensions. In my…

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The Best Laid Plans….

One of my professors in graduate school had previously taught at the War College. I think it may have been from him that I learned the idea that even the best plan doesn’t survive beyond the first encounter with the enemy. I have no doubt that’s accurate, but I much prefer the quote from the poet Robert…

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